The more the world changes, the more automation technology becomes indispensable to our daily existence. We expect – no demand – for everything to grow progressively smarter, faster, and more convenient. These expectations extend to service providers, including banks. Join us as we explore why it’s imperative for your branch to upgrade its banking system and the benefits thereof for everyone.

Survey Findings, Smart Branches, and Automated Banking Systems

The results are in, making the public’s stance loud and clear. A recent global survey commissioned by UserTesting, a leading human insight platform, and conducted by the online research agency OnePoll, revealed that 27% of individuals still exclusively use traditional banks.

28% of baby boomers and 26% of millennials prefer brick-and-mortar banks over a digital-only banking setup. To put things further into perspective, a mere 12% of people globally reported that they prefer a completely digital banking experience with no physical interaction whatsoever.

And although a fully digital banking sector does have some fans, even 4/5 of them long for the perks traditional banks have to offer. For instance, 38% of these exclusively online users wish their banks had a human customer support option.

This is fantastic news for physical branches. However, this means only the best customer experience will do, or they’ll go elsewhere. Enter the smart branch: a cost-effective modern bank characterised by smaller premises, less staff, and an emphasis on first-class customer service. Ultimately, you want to automate your banking system to enable staff to focus squarely on customer satisfaction.

In the following sections, we’ll take a closer look at how an automated banking system benefits bankers and customers alike.

Streamline Operations and Empower Employees

Where traditional bank branches primarily respond to customer requests and provide the required services, smart branches proactively prioritise and directly address customer needs. Thus, it’s crucial for banking system upgrades to involve optimising operations. Automating once manual procedures liberate staff by reducing their administrative workload. It finally allows them to refocus their time and energy on higher-value tasks, such as providing exceptional customer service.

Empowered employees are also likelier to perform well, in turn leading to greater customer satisfaction and the overall improved operations of a branch. Simply put: staff now get to spend more time attending to customer queries, which leads to queues moving faster, shorter waiting times, and ultimately, happier customers who’re likelier to return to your branch next time they need help.

Deposita’s range of Protector automated banking machines (ABMs) and Exchangor cash recyclers are both designed to save you time and money by streamlining cash handling, reducing overheads, and eliminating human error.

Attract and Retain Clients with Technological Advancements

In today’s competitive banking industry, smart branches stand out by offering customers an exceptional on-premises experience powered by state-of-the-art technology. Equipping your branch with the latest devices can free up valuable employee time from mundane cash counting and sorting tasks, allowing them to focus on client marketing and acquisition.

Enhancing your marketing efforts can involve implementing an advanced automated banking system, creating excitement and drawing in more potential customers. As news spreads about your updated solution’s speed, convenience, and efficiency, it should attract a larger customer base.

Deposita, as a company, has invested significant time and expertise into refining cash management practices. We’ve optimised the entire cash management process through cutting-edge innovation, product development, manufacturing capabilities, and technological implementations. Over the past decade, we’ve evolved our solutions to streamline the collection, handling, processing, safeguarding, and dispensing of cash, resulting in a secure and efficient cash management system.

And since Deposita tailors cash and payment management solutions according to our customers’ needs, they’re suitable for varied sectors ranging from retail to wholesale and, yes, banking. We not only meet but ensure we exceed expectations on all levels: whether it’s security, integration with existing systems or something else.

Deposita N910 Pro - The Digitisor

Boost Employee Productivity for Higher-Value Tasks

We touched upon it briefly, but an automated banking system should increase your branch’s productivity significantly. This is because these systems take care of dull and repetitive tasks, which often become the most time-consuming. A device like the Exchangor Chequer Plus is a fine example since staff find it easy and simple to use. It can validate up to 600 notes per minute, reduces the cost of cash management, improves money processing efficiency, and more.

By adding a device like the Exchangor Chequer Plus to your bank, you get to strike more time-heavy tasks from staff’s schedules or, at the very least, help them finish up sooner. In turn, they can get more done in a day or dedicate their expertise to more strategic tasks, including:

  • Personalised customer interactions
  • Financial advisory services
  • Business growth initiatives

All of these guarantee a further productivity boost, benefitting the individual employee and the branch as a whole.

Although the initial costs behind an automated banking system might seem daunting, remember: you’re investing in the future success of your branch. Soon, you should start seeing returns thanks to enhanced employee efficiency, increased customer satisfaction, and reduced time waste, ensuring greater profits.

Allow Us to Help You Identify the Best Automated Banking System for Your Branch

Whether your branch is big or small, located in a bustling city or a rural town, Deposita has just the bespoke banking system for your particular needs.

Contact us today for a free consultation, during which we’ll discuss your needs and preferences. Rest assured: we’ll see to it that your solution ticks all the boxes for the makings of a smart branch.

Let Deposita help you do more with what’s yours.

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